For Love of Team™ | Winston Faircloth
For Love of Team™ is THE podcast where Leaders Simplify Teamwork, helping you: SURROUND yourself with others doing work they LOVE. Business mentor and strategist, Winston Faircloth believes that it is your love of TEAM, and not just your love of products and customers that sets you apart in the marketplace.
In Season 3 of the For Love of Team podcast, host Winston Faircloth unveils a bold new experiment for this season: writing a book called 'Team Love,' based on a successful blog series from the past. Each episode will feature an audio first draft of a chapter from the book, inviting listeners to provide feedback and help shape the final version. This innovative journey aims to engage visionary leaders, and anyone interested in fostering a loving team culture.
For Love of Team™ | Winston Faircloth
S2 E89: Being clear on your Mission, Vision, and Values
In this week’s podcast episode, we dig into two essential leadership decisions in business, creating a compelling why and a clear what to build a team you love. But before you can define these, you need to be clear on your mission, vision, and values.
Why does this matter? Without defining your business's purpose first, you won't be able to clearly define the what and why of your team’s purpose. By doing so you create a feeling of vagueness and disconnection between the person and the goal.
A company vision reveals what your business hopes to be, and hopes to achieve over the long term.
A mission statement describes what your organization needs to do to achieve that vision.
Company values explain how you're going to achieve your vision and mission by implementing a set of beliefs into your team's day-to-day tasks.
Overall, these values help shape a team member’s experience, and through their experience you develop strong relationships with your clients, customers, partners, and providers.
So what are your vision, mission, and value statements for your business? Are they strong enough to build a team you love?
Want to learn more? Listen to our full episode here.
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#TeamLOVE Book. Join the bold book writing journey as we write and share our first draft chapters from our upcoming book - Team Love: 28 Ways to Demonstrate Caring at Work here in season 3 of the For Love of Team podcast.
Be notified each week about a new episode and follow our journey at TeamLoveBook.com
These company values are why they're the beliefs, the principles that get matched with action. That's where integrity comes from that ultimately drive our business either to Winston Faircloth and welcome back to for love of team. This is the podcast dedicated to helping you grow team you love multiplying your impact income and freedom in business by unlocking two essential leadership decisions required to attract and keep top talent. First, a compelling why coupled with to a clearly stated what success looks like leaving the house to gifted committed collaborators bringing your vision to life. In today's episode, let's dig a little deeper into this concept that there are two essential leadership decisions in business. a compelling why and a clear what and these serve as our North Star and a clear what defines success in moving towards that star. And when it comes to building teams that you love being clear on your mission, vision and values is so essential. And I'm so excited about this and think it's so important that I'm hosting a multi part series where I'm interviewing several CEOs on their vision and company values that guide their actions. I'm bringing back both returning guests and introducing you to some new leaders over the upcoming weeks. And as you sharpen your compelling what and why you ultimately create a culture that helps you become a magnet for talent. And I think this is the ultimate place to be as a as an early stage team builder, where you are actually attracting the team directly to you. I call this team attract. And without this without you being sharp with a compelling what and why you're going to absolutely struggle in your marketing, sales. And even more importantly, cash flow, goodness. And the other thing that will happen if you're not clear on this what and wise you're going to feel team rolls with the wrong people in the wrong seats. This is going to cause turnover, delay, and a feeling of loss and waste. Now I'm speaking from personal experience here, trust me when I say that being fuzzy on what why cost precious time, money and confidence. And I've struggled with this, as I entered the online business world for months and years, spending 10s of 1000s of dollars chasing one shiny object after another. Because I never took the time at the very beginning of this journey to define what the business was going to be and how it was going to operate. Now, originally, we may have a reason why we started our business. And for many, it's for our sense of freedom, of impact, or expanding our income, our y could be about a problem that we see that needs to be solved, or an injustice that needs to be addressed. Or the difference we want to make in the world. All of those are amazing, but they're not enough. And we got to be really careful that we don't confuse our personal lives with the businesses Why? Now there's a reason I'm saying this because over the past couple years, I have witnessed several online founders who in working to recruit their team members made their vision, their y all about them. They were sharing this document with their team that kind of laid out the company's vision, and mission and values. But it was not about the team member and how they plugged in. It was about how proceeds from the business. Were going to fund lifestyle enhancements for the owner talked about overall revenue goal. And I was like, Okay, I get that you might aspire to some sort of metric in your business. But then to go on to say that it's going to help you buy a horse farm in Tennessee. Let me ask you, are you going to raise your hand as a team member to join a team that's all about buying the owner some property in some distant location or help them have a second house or any of that stuff? It was really discouraging to see that. And it actually helped launch me on this path because I think so many owners confuse their personal why with their business Why? And so, today we're going to talk about your business, why your business what and why. And so we're going to go back and look at some traditional definitions that I think helped clarify and help set you on the right path to becoming a team attract business. First, let's talk about your company vision. Now, company vision at the highest level reveals what your business hopes to be, and hopes to achieve over the long term. Very aspirational. It's out there, it's kind of like that large North Star. And just helps define that aspirational look at what your company your business can become. And compare that to a mission statement, which describes what the organization needs to do. Now to achieve that vision. It's very, it tells a a story about what difference this makes what is observable. And so it's one thing to be aspirational. But it's also really important to be observable to teach your team members. But here's the best way we can be observable is coming up and crafting company values, which go beyond the what our company is going to become, and how we're doing things today. Now, what we're doing now to achieve that vision, these company values are why they're the beliefs, the principles that get matched with action. That's where integrity comes from, that ultimately drive our business. So stating beliefs and principles that are matched with integrity to actions that drive the business forward in describing what we're doing now to achieve our vision, and that lofty vision that we talked about a moment ago. And overall these values, they help shape, a team member experience, and the experience, we develop the relationship that we develop with our clients, partners and providers. Now, vision and mission statements are often confused. And lots of businesses use these terms interchangeably, but they have a very unique and different purpose. The vision statement is a future state. It describes what we want to be in the future. Whereas the mission statement describes what we're doing now to achieve that vision. They support each other, but the mission statement is much more specific. It defines it also defines how we will be different from other businesses and organizations in our space. So I did some research today and found us some samples, and we'll see if these meet our test. And also whether you can guess the company. So let's start with Oh, here we go. Here's one. This won't be easy. You'll you'll guess it right away. This is the vision statement for a retailer. They are the premier provider of the finest coffee in the world, while maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow. That's the vision. premier provider purveyor. Ooh, that's a good alliteration premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. Their mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit, one person, one cup, one neighborhood at a time. Do you have it? Yes. Our green, our green and white logo from the northwest Starbucks. That is correct. All right, here comes another one. This one's kind of cool to create this is their vision statement, create the most compelling Car Company of the 21st century by driving the world's transition to electric vehicles. Let's read that one, again, vision statement, create the most compelling Car Company of the 21st century by driving the world's transition to electric vehicles. Okay, their mission statement is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. And yes, if you understand the company's larger work that they're doing, this is Tesla. And then last, let's go with one more. This one I think is gonna be pretty easy to guess to their vision is to provide an important service to the world. All right, that is about any company that we can think of, let's try get provided important service to the world instantly delivering relevant information on virtually any topic. Wow, that's kind of cool. That's a big, big, long term goal. Their mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. That's their mission statement. Any guesses? Yep, Google. That is Google's vision. mission statement. So you can see how these vision statements about delivering relevant information on virtually any topic becoming a compelling car company by driving transition to electric vehicles and being premier purveyor finest coffee in the world. These are aspirational and long term objectives. Where's the mission? what they need to do now to achieve the vision, organize the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful. accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy to inspire, nurture the human spirit, one cup, one person, one cup, one neighborhood at a time, definitely more in the present moment, and something that we're taking action on now to get to that lofty vision above. So what are your vision and mission statements for your business? Again, if you've got some samples, or you want to kind of talk it out, I'd love to connect with you. When at when sites that's the email address, WI n at wi n si gh Tz comm send me your sample, love to talk to you about it and kind of explore how you're coming about developing your vision and mission statements. And so in the spirit of experimentation, I'm going to share our first draft statements. You know, because here for love of team, we're just beginning our journey of crafting our mission and vision statements as we build out our practice and assemble our initial team. So let me share a couple of our first drafts towards this ourselves. So our for love of team vision. And again, this is the aspirational, long term setup for our practice. I said, a growing movement of businesses, leading teams with love growing our collective impact income and influence in the marketplace. So very aspirational, long term out there, right? That our dream, our goal, our vision is that we're doing this in concert with a whole community of businesses across the globe, who are focused on leading teams with love. And together growing our collective impact income and influence in the marketplace. So let me read it again. a growing movement of businesses, leading teams with love growing our collective impact income and influence in the in the marketplace. So that's a vision statement. very lofty, very futuristic, very aspirational. Okay, how about a mission statement, our first draft for love of team mission. And this is more practical, it's about how we're going to what what's happening now to achieve that vision, that lofty vision of collective impact income and influence with a growing movement of businesses, leading teams with love. Okay, so going back to the mission, equipping leaders with content, community and coaching, redefining teamwork in a new era of collaboration, to unlock God given capabilities and confidence within their organizations. So this is a bit more practical, we're defining a bit of the what that we're doing to influence and grow this movement of businesses, leading teams with love. And so this includes three things that I feel are really important in building that movement, which is creating content, community and coaching. These are equipping strategies, redefining teamwork and a new era of collaboration. This is something I'm so passionate about is that I think a lot of our definitions and experiences of teamwork come from more of an industrial mindset of the last century, and really doesn't reflect the new era of collaboration that we're entering right now. And then the third aspect of this mission statement is to speak to faith centered entrepreneurs. And and what we're doing here is acknowledging that there are God given capabilities within our organization, and that together with the content community coaching, is redefining teamwork in a new era of collaboration. The purpose is to unlock the God given capabilities and confidence within your organization, that this still is a very broad statement. It doesn't necessarily define our our actions but it is a north star in So for me, these are two, first draft statements, we're going to share them out with our team. We're sharing them with you here. And really want to end this is something that I believe is a process. It's not like you write this and it's done. This is an ongoing refining process. So let me know what you think about our first draft statements. And make sure to share yours as well. That email address again, when Edwin sites comm wi n at wi n si gh t z.com. I'd love to hear more about what you think about our first drafts. And I'd also like to experience and learn from you in terms of what you have as your own vision and mission statements. And then I'm excited our next episode, we're going to talk about unleashing your ultimate why we're going to dig a little bit more why establishing company values is almost like having a 24 hour coach, working with you and your team. So a business that you absolutely love supported by your team that you love what could be better than this. Remember, our client experience never exceeds the love that we show for our team. And for love of team is a leading indicator of your future success, multiplying your impact income and freedom and business. He bless friends I'll catch you on the next episode.